5 - Node Based Data Strucutures

Let's link our lists


Hello again!

So, in the last chapter, I’ve gone through recursion, specifically quickselect and quicksort. I’ll revisit these at the end of algorithms, as there is more to it.

For the time being, we’ve learned recursion thanks to these two. So, let’s hop right on something more daunting!

Node-based Data Structures

When talking about node-based data structures, we don’t mean those that are specifically in NodeJS.

But, it has some ideas to do with JS! Because in JS everything is an object. And we’ll be using objects a lot in here.

In this part, I’ll be talking about linked lists. They are very similar to arrays. In fact, I’ve previously used arrays for queues. Here, I might get funky and use linked lists!

Linked list

In this part, I’ll create a Linked List. But first, some terminology:

  • When we’re talking about the START of linked list, we’re talking about HEAD.
  • When we’re talking about the END of linked list, we’re talking about TAIL.

A linked list is fairly simple - it’s values leading one to another:

const linkedList = {
    head: {
        value: 1,
        next: {
            value: 2,
            next: {
                value: 3,
                next: {
                    value: 4,
                    next: {
                        value: 5
                        next: null

Now, that looks horrible. However, there are some benefits to it.

  • During addition or removal, we do not need to reorganize the entire data structure
  • We only need to link 2 elements together

Now, that’s an important benefit. Remember when I was talking about queues? There, adding to queue is O(N) because we need to shift all elements. However, in here, we can just remove the first element and link it to the HEAD. That’d be O(1)!

But, as is always the case, there’s quite a bit of disadvantages:

  • Search operations are slow - there is no random access (imagine sorting it)
  • Uses more memory due to pointers (memory is spread all over the computer)

So, let’s quickly create one. For clarity, I’ll use TypeScript in this part.

class LinkedListNode {
    nextNode: LinkedListNode;
    data: any;

    constructor(data) {
        this.data = data;

Now, this is the smallest building block. Individiual nodes all have these values. The interesting part are the operations.

  • Reading a specific node (e.g. nth node)
  • Finding a specific node (i.e. retrieving the index)
  • Insertion & Deletion

So, let’s create a Linked List using nodes!

class LinkedList {
    head: LinkedListNode
    constructor(firstNode: LinkedListNode) {
        this.head = firstNode

It’s as simple as that. Now, to allow for some reading or finding, let’s insert some nodes! Keep in mind 2 things:

  • We can insert the node anywhere. So we’ll be inserting to an index
  • We can also insert to the start. A linked list is created by default with a head node.
function insert(index: number, dataToAdd: any) {
    const nodeToAdd = new LinkedListNode(dataToAdd);
    if (index === 0) {
        nodeToAdd.nextNode = this.head;
        this.head = noteToAdd
    let currentNode = this.firstNode;
    let index = 0;
    while (currentIndex < indexToFind) {
        currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
        if (currentNode == null) return null;
    nodeToAdd.nextNode = currentNode.nextNode;
    currentNode.nextNode = nodeToAdd;

Cool! We’ve managed to do an insertion! Let’s go through it:

  • First, we need to see if the index is 0. If we want to insert to the head, we’re changing the only reference in the class (head). We need to do it separately
  • In other case, we’ll move through the entire Linked List and find the position. If the index is bigger than length, we don’t add anything
  • Finally, the addition of the node is just setting the links nextNode on current and next node

There are 2 very important bits to remember:

  • search for node using while loop
  • changing the links rather than nodes themselves (except for head)

So! Now that we can insert to it, we can perform some reading! Let’s print all our nodes!

function printAll() {
    let node = this.head;
    while (node.nextNode) {
        node = node.nextNode

Now, similarly, we can retrieve only the last node!

function getLast() {
    let node = this.head;
    while (node.nextNode) {
        if (node.nextNode == null) return node.data

Fantastic! We’re now able to insert and traverse. We can also get the last node! But what if we want to:

  • retrieve node by value
  • retrieve node by index

Well, let’s quickly do these, it will be similar:

function read(indexToFind) {
    let node = this.head;
    let index = 0;
    while (index < indexToFind) {
        node = node.nextNode
        if (!node) return null
    return node.data

function findIndex(itemToFind) {
    let node = this.head;
    let index = 0;
    while (node.data !== itemToFind) {
        node = node.nextNode;
        if (!node) return null;
    return index;

Great! We can do that as well! As we see, it’s pretty much the same thing, just different condition. Let’s recap:

  • Insertion
  • Traversing
  • Deletion

Soo, we’re missing deletion! Let’s deal with that as well. Remember - we’re only changing links!

function delete(indexToDelete) {
    if (index == 0) { 
        this.firstNode = this.firstNode.nextNode;

    let index = 0;
    while (index < indexToDelete - 1) {
        currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
        if (!currentNode) return null;
    currentNode.nextNode = currentNode.nextNode.nextNode

Note specifically the last line. To delete a node, we need to start from the one BEFORE

  • We want to just change “unlink” the element to delete
  • We can’t do that from within the deleted node

Linked List Full Code

Below, the entire code together can be seen:

class LinkedListNode {
  data: unknown;
  constructor(data: unknown) {
    this.data = data;

  nextNode: LinkedListNode;

class LinkedList {
  firstNode: LinkedListNode;
  constructor(firstNode: LinkedListNode) {
    this.firstNode = firstNode;

  read(indexToFind) {
    let currentNode = this.firstNode;
    let currentIndex = 0;
    while (currentIndex < indexToFind) {
      currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
      if (!currentNode) return null;
    return currentNode.data;

  findIndex(itemTofind) {
    let currentNode = this.firstNode;
    let currentIndex = 0;
    while (currentNode.data !== itemTofind) {
      currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
      if (!currentNode) return null;
    return currentIndex;

  insert(indexToFind, dataToAdd) {
    const nodeToAdd = new LinkedListNode(dataToAdd);
    if (indexToFind == 0) {
      nodeToAdd.nextNode = this.firstNode;
      this.firstNode = nodeToAdd;
    let currentNode = this.firstNode;
    let currentIndex = 0;
    while (currentIndex < indexToFind) {
      currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
      if (!currentNode) return null;
    nodeToAdd.nextNode = currentNode.nextNode;
    currentNode.nextNode = nodeToAdd;

  delete(index) {
    if (index === 0) {
      this.firstNode = this.firstNode.nextNode;
    let currentNode = this.firstNode;
    let currentIndex = 0;
    while (currentIndex < index - 1) {
      currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
      if (!currentNode) return null;
    const nodeAfterDeletedNode = currentNode.nextNode?.nextNode;
    currentNode.nextNode = nodeAfterDeletedNode;

  printAll() {
    let currentNode = this.firstNode;
    while (currentNode) {
      currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
      if (!currentNode) return;

  findLast() {
    let currentNode = this.firstNode;
    while (currentNode) {
      currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
      if (!currentNode.nextNode) return currentNode.data;

Note one thing. With the current insertion, we can only insert into a body. We’d need a separate function to insert to the tail.


We’ve got one last thing to cover - reversing the linked list. If you think about it, reversing should be really hard, right?

Well, it’s actually fairly easy. We are still just changing the links. So, we’ll slowly push the head to the end!

function reverse() {
    let currentNode = this.firstNode;
    let prevNode;
    while (currentNode) {
        const nextNode = currentNode.nextNode;
        currentNode.nextNode = previousNode;
        previousNode = currentNode;
        currentNode = nextNode;
    this.firstNode = prevNode;

Now, to reverse it, we’ll basically:

  • Store temporarily the next node
  • Set the next node as previous node (undefined the first time)
  • Define the previous node as current node
  • Set the current node as next node

So, we’ll basically reverse it!

Doubly linked list

Now that we’ve gone through a linked list, we’ve found that having a two-way link would be beneficial. Luckily, that’s easy.

Because it’s all just reference of pointers in memory, we do not need to allocate any more memory. The doubly linked list can have following nodes:

class LinkedListNode {
    constructor(data) {
        this.data = data;

    get nextNode() { 
        return this.__nextNode;
    set nextNode(val) {
        this.__nextNode = val;
        val.previousNode = this;

Now that we have link to both nodes, deletion may be faster. However, we can also start from the end! In this case, that’s when tail comes in play!

  • We can keep a reference to the end
  • Addition to both start and end is O(1)
  • Searching is O(N / 2) if we know the index (we can go from start to end, or from end to start)
  • Reversing is not an issue because we can go both ways!

And now, finally, putting it all together, we can do a simple queue with this doubly linked list!

class Queue {

    constructor() {
        this.queue = new DoublyLinkedList();

    enqueue(data) {

    dequeue() {

    read() {
        return this.queue.read();


In this part, I’ve gone through a linked list. We’ve found that it’s very similar to arrays, if we forget how they look like in JS

  • Both can form queues
  • Linked list can form an even more effective queue
  • Linked list takes more memory

None the less, this traversing of nodes will soon prove to be extremely useful, as we’re slowly moving towards trees and graphs!


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